(Video) LFC fan thinks they’ve heard Klopp lose his mind in x-rated reply to Anfield chant

Is that Klopp yelling “can you stop singing that sh**, cannyou stop it!?!” as fans chant his song 😯
by u/firminocoutinho in LiverpoolFC

You can catch the clip below, courtesy of Reddit user u/firminocoutinho:

Jurgen Klopp has repeatedly made clear his preference for fans to not sing his chant before his side has officially sealed a victory.

“I have to say now, I love all of them but my song, don’t sing it!” the German told reporters last term (as relayed by the Mirror). “If you want to sing it, sing it after the game in the bars, wherever. Because it is always like it is closing the game. We are 3-0 up and I hear ‘I’m so glad that Jurgen is a Red’. It is not over!”

— James Pearce (@JamesPearceLFC) August 19, 2023

It’s not hard to see just in how high regard the 55-year-old is held by the Anfield faithful, and though we certainly question the authenticity of the clip and the ownership of the voice in question, we’d imagine the sentiment is at least partly shared by the manager judging by James Pearce’s tweet on the matter.

https://www.empireofthekop.com/2023/08/19/potential-klopp-sweary-reply-anfield-chant/ منبع: